When Sarah and Steve first contacted me last year I was over the moon to be shooting a wedding at Alnwick Treehouse as it's a truly magical and unique venue. When they told me they was getting married after dark at Alnwick Treehouse I quickly realised this was going to be a challenge! I put in a call to my fantastic friend Julie Tinton, who agreed to come along for moral support and help me with the lighting kit. Neither Sarah or Steve are native to this part of the work so there was lots of travelling from both sides of the family and to bring them to such a fantastic venue was a great idea. As the sun started to set, Steve arrived with Best Man, Mark and we set to work using what little available light there was before swapping to the softbox and also the video light. By the time Sarah floated up the fairy-lit walkway it was pitch black. Hold on I thought? I was sure Sarah has told me she was wearing a red dress? Apparently the there was a 'wardrobe malfuntion' with the red dress and she has bought another! Regardless, she looked fantastic and beaming with happiness next to her Dad and Bridesmaids. Everyone was over the moon with the weather, dry and fairly warm for November....so far so good!
The service was really lovely and Sarah really fought back the tears as she said her vows and they exchanged rings. In fact looking around there were quite a few people with tears in their eyes!
As it was still dry we managed to use the outside space for group shots and the Bride and Groom portaits, although it was very dark we still managed to create some beautiful portaits.
After the speeches it was time for us to leave however the wedding party enjoyed a delicious meal then danced until the small hours. Sarah and Steve are so well suited that I just know they will have a long and happy marriage and I amd looking forward to seeing them soon to deliver their album.
